Friday, 6 January 2012

Bbq Chicken Crockpot Recipe-Slow Cooker Recipes-Winter Veggies-Health News-Lean Muscle

All right, you may already know this, but too little protein packs on poundage,...

All right, you may already know this, but too little protein packs on poundage, and not where you want it. Do you agree? What happens to your body when you cut protein?Too Little Protein May Equal Too Much Body Fat - Health News - who consistently consume more calories than they burn each day will lose lean muscle and accumulate body fat more easily if their diets contain too little protein and too much fat and carbohydrates, a new study suggests. read more..

Not only is this dish healthy, it combines protein with winter veggies and tops...

Not only is this dish healthy, it combines protein with winter veggies and tops it all off with an incredibly tasty chipotle raspberry BBQ sauce. Get the recipe Pulled BBQ Chicken Crockpot Recipe - Shape Magazinebit.lyWinter is the perfect time of year to put your slow cooker recipes to good use! read more..

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