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healthorhighwater:healthysoul:want to learn scorpion pose?it’s going to be a long road ahead, but this is a video of me showing you key moves and poses to practice in order to build up the strength you will need for the pose!remember: you need to be able to hold a forearm stand with both legs straightened. how?
- forearm plank. i recommend practicing this pose everyday. once you build up your time to around 2-3 minutes, that’s great. it’s always good to strive to hold that even longer as well. a good way to build up your strength is just trying to hold it a little longer each day, by practicing, you’ll see results. this pose is also great for building core strength, you’ll need that too.
- downward facing dog on your forearms. same rules apply here as they do above. try to increase your holding time the same way you are doing for forearm plank.
- from downward facing dog on your forearms, raises your forearms up and down. by doing this everyday, you will strengthen your body to prepare for the final pose! do as many as you can, and everyday try to add more. it’s all about practice and finding what works for you. if you can only do one at a time for now, that’s fine. work up to raising both at once!
- forearm stand prep. from your downward dog on your forearms, raise one leg. hold that for three long deep breaths, then try the other side. repeat that as many times as you can. try to add more repetitions of that on every few days, while also staying in the pose for a few extra deep breaths as well to build your strength.
- forearm stand prep.. hops. from your forearm stand prep with one leg lifted, start taking little baby hops up, like you are going to counterbalance your legs in forearm stand. this is important: remember to draw your hoping leg up with your core strength, while also engaging your shoulders. you should know when it feels right. eventually, you’ll progress and jump high enough one day that you can draw your bottom leg up enough (using your core!) to be able to counter balance your legs. ***from a counterbalanced forearm stand, all it takes to draw your legs straight is core strength and stamina. practice drawing that bottom leg up everyday and the top leg back to meet it, and you will eventually get it. trust me, i’ve been there!
- forearm stand (straight legs.) from your full forearm stand, keep engaging your core and start to bend your legs back. don’t push it! just remember to try to breathe a little bit deeper into the pose everyday. again, i’ve been there. if you go easy with your breath and try to sink a little deeper on your exhales.. you’ll see your feet growing closer to your head eventually. then you should have a nice scorpion pose to add to your practice!
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